Basics 15 - Collections (Basics)
Collections in F# are vastly different from collections available in System.Collections
or System.Collections.Generic
namespaces. While you are free to use System.Collections
or System.Collections.Generic
collections in F# (just like one does in C#), you will often find yourself moving against functional ideas.
There are five collection types in F#:
Sequences and Sequence Expressions
Sequences in F#, represented by seq
is IEnumerable
only. Essentially, anything which is enumerable. IEnumerable
is often a source of confusion. IEnumerable
is not a collection, it is an abstraction.
Iterating over an array, a list, a linked list, a dictionary, a hashtable or a binary tree can't be the same. IEnumerable
provides an abstract way to iterate over various collection types. As a matter of fact, IEnumerable
is not limited to collections.
Using Sequence Expressions to Create Sequences
Here are a few examples of how to use sequence expressions to create sequences.
// Sequence 1 to 3
seq { 1..3 } |> printfn "%A" // seq [1; 2; 3]
// Sequence 1 to 7, skip 2
seq { 1..2..7 } |> printfn "%A" // seq [1; 3; 5; 7]
// Loop 1 to 4, i * i for each value of i
seq { for i in 1..4 -> i * i } |> printfn "%A" // seq [1; 4; 9; 16]
// Loop 1 to 7, skip 2, i * i for each value of i
seq { for i in 1..2..7 -> i * i } |> printfn "%A" // seq [1; 9; 25; 49]
// Same as above, alternate mechanism
seq {
for i in 1..4 do
yield i * i
|> printfn "%A" // seq [1; 4; 9; 16]
// Same as above, alternate mechanism
seq {
for i in 1..4 do
i * i
|> printfn "%A" // seq [1; 4; 9; 16]
// Nested loop, creating tuple
seq {
for x in 1..3 do
for y in 1..3 -> (x, y)
|> printfn "%A" // seq [(1, 1); (1, 2); (1, 3); (2, 1); ...]
// Loop and condition
seq {
for n in 1..10 do
if n % 2 = 0 then
|> printfn "%A" // seq [2; 4; 6; 8; ...]
Iterating over Sequences
Here are a few examples of how to iterate over sequences.
// Sequence of int
let s = seq { 1..3 }
// Iterate over int values
for i in s do
printfn "%d" i
// Sequence of tuple
let sTup =
seq {
for x in 1..3 do
for y in 1..3 -> (x, y)
// Patern matching, deconstruction and iteration
for (x, y) in sTup do
printfn "x: %d, y: %d" x y
Using Sequences as the Abstract Data Type
Sequences are best used as abstract data types.
Here's an example:
type Student =
{ Name: string
Age: int
Marks: int array }
let s =
{ Name = "Whatever"
Age = 10
Marks = [| 1; 2; 3 |] }
The Student
record type has Marks
of the type int array
. This means an instance of Student
can only be created with an int array
. What if you have an int list
Now consider this:
type Student =
{ Name: string
Age: int
Marks: int seq }
// using int array
let s1 =
{ Name = "Whatever"
Age = 10
Marks = [| 1; 2; 3 |] }
// using int list
let s2 =
{ Name = "Whatever"
Age = 10
Marks = [ 1; 2; 3 ] }
// using int seq
let s1 =
{ Name = "Whatever"
Age = 10
Marks = seq { 1..3 } }
With the updated definition of Student
, int array
, int list
and int seq
, all are allowed.
Similarly, when creating functions, make them generalized. For instance:
let findMax (numbers: int list) = ...
let findMax (numbers: int seq) = ...
Arrays are fixed-size collections. Indexing is zero-based and arrays allow mutations.
Here are various ways in which arrays can be created:
// Fixed values
let arr1 = [| 1; 2; 3 |]
// expression
let arr2 = [| 1..3 |]
// expression
let arr3 = [| for i in 1..3 -> i |]
// Creates an array with 3 elements, all set to 0
let arr4 = Array.create 3 0
// Value mutation
arr4[0] <- 1
arr4[1] <- 2
arr4[2] <- 3
// Creates an array with 3 elements, all set to 0
let arr5 = Array.zeroCreate 3
// Value mutation
arr5[0] <- 1
arr5[1] <- 2
arr5[2] <- 3
printfn "%A" arr1 // [|1; 2; 3|]
printfn "%A" arr2 // [|1; 2; 3|]
printfn "%A" arr3 // [|1; 2; 3|]
printfn "%A" arr4 // [|1; 2; 3|]
printfn "%A" arr5 // [|1; 2; 3|]
How to access array items and iterate over an array:
let arr = [| 1; 2; 3 |]
// access array items
let a = arr[0]
let b = arr[1]
let c = arr[2]
// access array items
let a1 = arr.GetValue 0
let b1 = arr.GetValue 1
let c1 = arr.GetValue 2
// set values
arr[0] <- 5
arr[1] <- 6
arr[2] <- 7
// set values
arr.SetValue(5, 0)
arr.SetValue(6, 1)
arr.SetValue(7, 2)
// prints all array items
for i in arr do
printfn "%d" i
// iter function invoke function for each item
Array.iter (fun x -> printfn "%d" x) arr // prints all array items
Lists in F# are immutable collections. Indexing is zero-based.
Here are various ways in which lists can be created:
// Empty list
let list0 = []
// Fixed values
let list1 = [ 1; 2; 3 ]
// expression
let list2 = [ 1..3 ]
// expression
let list3 = [ for i in 1..3 -> i ]
// Add an item in the beginning
// :: aka cons operators
let list4 = 1 :: [ 2; 3 ]
// Contact 2 lists
let list5 = [ 1 ] @ [ 2; 3 ]
// Contact or add at the end
let list6 = [ 1; 2 ] @ [ 3 ]
printfn "%A" list0 // [0]
printfn "%A" list1 // [1; 2; 3]
printfn "%A" list2 // [1; 2; 3]
printfn "%A" list3 // [1; 2; 3]
printfn "%A" list4 // [1; 2; 3]
printfn "%A" list5 // [1; 2; 3]
printfn "%A" list6 // [1; 2; 3]
How to access list items and iterate over a list:
let list1 = [ 1; 2; 3 ]
// access list items
let a = list1[0]
let b = list1[1]
let c = list1[2]
// access list items
let a1 = list1.Item 0
let b1 = list1.Item 1
let c1 = list1.Item 2
// prints all list items
for i in list1 do
printfn "%d" i
// iter function invoke function for each item
List.iter (fun x -> printfn "%d" x) list1 // prints all list items
Pattern Matching, Head and Tail
refers to the first element of the list, while Tail
refers to the list after the first element. A list can be pattern matched using ::
(cons operator) into head/tail.
Here is an example:
let l = [ 1; 2; 3 ]
let head = l.Head
let tail = l.Tail
printfn "%A" head // 1
printfn "%A" tail // [2; 3]
// recursive function for finding sum
// may cause stack overflow for a large list
let rec sum list =
match list with
| head :: tail -> head + sum tail
| [] -> 0
// recursive function for finding sum
// no stack overflow, tail recursion
let sumFixed list =
let rec loop list acc =
match list with
| head :: tail -> loop tail (acc + head)
| [] -> acc
loop list 0
// recursive function for finding min
// no stack overflow, tail recursion
let min list =
if List.length list = 0 then
raise (System.ArgumentException("Empt list provided!"))
let rec loop list acc =
match list with
| head :: tail -> loop tail (if head < acc then head else acc)
| [] -> acc
loop list Int32.MaxValue
// recursive function for finding max
// no stack overflow, tail recursion
let max list =
if List.length list = 0 then
raise (System.ArgumentException("Empt list provided!"))
let rec loop list acc =
match list with
| head :: tail -> loop tail (if head > acc then head else acc)
| [] -> acc
loop list Int32.MinValue
sum l |> printfn "%A" // 6
min l |> printfn "%A" // 1
max l |> printfn "%A" // 3
Sets in F# are immutable collections. Sets are ordered which are based on binary trees.
Here are various ways in which sets can be created:
// An empty set
let s = Set.empty
printfn "%A" s // set []
// Add 1 to the empty set
let s = s.Add 1
printfn "%A" s // set [1]
// Can't add duplicate value
// Adding 1 again will have no effect
let s = s.Add 1
printfn "%A" s // set [1]
// Adding 2 and 3
let s = s.Add(2).Add(3)
printfn "%A" s // set [1; 2; 3]
// Array to Set
let s = Set.ofArray [| 1; 2; 3 |]
printfn "%A" s // set [1; 2; 3]
// Can't add duplicate value
// Array to Set
let s = Set.ofArray [| 1; 1; 2; 3 |]
printfn "%A" s // set [1; 2; 3]
// List to Set
let s = Set.ofList [ 1; 2; 3 ]
printfn "%A" s // set [1; 2; 3]
// Sequence to Set
let s = Set.ofSeq { 1..3 }
printfn "%A" s // set [1; 2; 3]
How to iterate over a set:
let s = Set.ofArray [| 1; 1; 2; 3 |]
// prints all set items
for i in s do
printfn "%d" i
// iter function invoke function for each item
Set.iter (fun x -> printfn "%d" x) s // prints all set items
Maps in F# are immutable collections. Maps represent key/value pairs aka dictionaries.
Here are various ways in which maps can be created:
// An empty map
let m = Map.empty
printfn "%A" m // map []
// Add an item (Key, Value)
let m = m.Add(1, "One")
printfn "%A" m // map [(1, "One")]
// Adding with the same key results in value update
let m = m.Add(1, "OneOne")
printfn "%A" m // map [(1, "OneOne")]
// Adding many values
let m = m.Add(1, "One")
let m = m.Add(2, "Two")
let m = m.Add(3, "Three")
printfn "%A" m // map [(1, "One"); (2, "Two"); (3, "Three")]
// Array to Map
let m = Map.ofArray [| (1, "One"); (2, "Two"); (3, "Three") |]
printfn "%A" m // map [(1, "One"); (2, "Two"); (3, "Three")]
// List to Map
let m = Map.ofList [ (1, "One"); (2, "Two"); (3, "Three") ]
// Sequence to Map
printfn "%A" m // map [(1, "One"); (2, "Two"); (3, "Three")]
let m =
Map.ofSeq (
seq {
yield (1, "One")
yield (2, "Two")
yield (3, "Three")
printfn "%A" m // map [(1, "One"); (2, "Two"); (3, "Three")]
How to access map items and iterate over a map:
let m = Map.ofList [ (1, "One"); (2, "Two"); (3, "Three") ]
let x1 = m[1] // x1 is "One"
let y1 = m[100] // exception... key not found
let x2 = m.TryFind(1) // x2 is Some("One")
let y2 = m.TryFind(100) // y2 is None
let x3 = m.TryGetValue 1 // x3 is (true, "One")
let xy = m.TryGetValue 100 // y3 is (false, )
// prints all map items
// i = KeyValuePair<TypeKey, TypeValue?
for kv in m do
printfn "Key: %A, Value: %A" kv.Key kv.Value
Map.iter (fun k v -> printfn "Key: %A, Value: %A" k v) m
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