Basics 07 - Lambda Expressions
Time to discuss lambda expressions.
Check out all the comments that are placed in the source file.
What is a Lambda Expression?
Lamba expressions aka anonymous functions allow you to create nameless, in-place functions. The keyword used for lambda expressions is fun
let someFunc param = ...
let someLambda = fun param -> ...
For all practical purposes, functions and lambda expressions are the same:
Functions have parameters, so do the lambda expressions
Functions return a value, so do the lambda expressions
The only difference is the intent:
A function once created is callable/injectable from anywhere; reusable
A lambda expression, an in-place function, is injected and has no meaning/existence outside the scope
Lambda expressions are typically used when a function creation is considered an overhead; typically for injecting one-off logic
If the same concept/logic is injected at multiple places via lambda expressions, better create a function
Understanding Closures
The secret sauce used by the F# compiler to create the illusion of availability of non-local variables inside functions.
Let's take this example:
// Applies function f over parameter x
let apply1 f x = f x
let main args =
let val1 = 10
apply1 (fun x -> x * val1) 10 |> printf "%d"
Pay attention to this: fun x -> x * val1
The variable val1
is defined in the function main
, and is neither local to the lambda expression nor is it supplied as a parameter. However, when apply1
is invoked, which in turn invokes the lambda expression, val1
is available. This is happening because the F# compiler is doing the heavy lifting here, knowsn as closure. val1
is available inside the lambda expression via a closure.
Lambda expression and partial application both are dependent on closures.
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